Digital atlas of the skeleton of Lynx pardinus

Atlas of Lynx pardinus

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Dorsal view


Left side view


Nasal view


Basal view


Right side view


Nuchal view

Atlas measures data table ↑top
ID Code Description Middle Show
* You can check measure id clicking on the "Show" measure link.
GBGreatest breadth over the wings (+) 61.78 Show
GLGreatest length (+) 27.41 Show
BFcr(Greatest) breadth of the Facies articularis cranialis (=cranial articular surface) (+) 33.39 Show
BFcd(Greatest) breadth of the Facies articularis caudalis (= caudal articular surface) (+) 25.45 Show
GLFGreatest length from the Facies articularis cranialis to the Facies articularis caudalis (-) 25.40 Show
LAdLength of the Arcus dorsalis (=dorsal arch). median. Measured only in carnivores (+) 11.11 Show
HHeight. Measured in a measuring box in such way. that one lays the atlas with its cranial side on the bottom of the box and closes the blocks over the dorsal and ventral archs (+) 20.35 Show