Digital atlas of the skeleton of Lynx pardinus

Sacrum of Lynx pardinus

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Sacrum measures data table ↑top
ID Code Description Middle Show
* You can check measure id clicking on the "Show" measure link.
GLGratest length on the ventral side: from the cranial borders of the wings to the caudoventral border of the body of the last vertebra (+) 51.03 Show
PLPhysiological length. measured between the centers of the bodies of the most cranial and the most caudal vertebrae (+) 47.05 Show
GBGreatest breadth (across the wings) (+) 44.28 Show
BFcr(Greatest) breadth of the Facies terminalis cranialis (=cranial articular surface) (-) 19.66 Show
HFcr(Greatest) height of the Facies terminales cranialis (+) 10.34 Show