Atlas digital del esqueleto de Lynx pardinus

Mandíbula de Lynx pardinus

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Tablas de medidas de Mandíbula↑subir
ID Código Descripción Media Ver
* Puedes comprobar la medida clicando en "Ver".
1Total length: length from the condyle process - Infradentals (+) 92.70 Ver
2Length from the indentation between the condyle process and the angular process - Infradentale (+) 88.54 Ver
8Heigth of the vertical ramus: basal point of the angular process - Coronion (+) 40.46 Ver
3Length: the condyle process - aboral border of the canine alveolus (+) 80.20 Ver
4Length from the indentation between the condyle process and the angular process - aboral border of the canine alveolus (+) 76.42 Ver
5Length of the cheektooth row P3-M1. measured along the alveoli (+) 30.52 Ver
7Length of the carnassial alveolus(+) 13.06 Ver
9Height of the mandible behin M1. measured on the buccal side (+) 19.56 Ver
10Height of the mandible in the fron of P3. measured on the buccal side (+) 17.23 Ver