Atlas digital del esqueleto de Lynx pardinus

Cráneo de Lynx pardinus

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Tablas de medidas de Cráneo↑subir
ID Código Descripción Media Ver
* Puedes comprobar la medida clicando en "Ver".
1Total length: Akrokraniom - Prosthion (+) 138.20 Ver
8Vicerocranium length: Nasion - Prosthion (+) 57.93 Ver
9Facial length: Frontal midpoint - Prosthion (+) 81.70 Ver
10Lateral length of snout: oral border of the orbit of one side - Prosthion (+) 37.61 Ver
7Upper neurocranium length: Akrokranium - Frontal midpoint (+) 77.57 Ver
6Neurocranium length: Basion - Nasion. Can be taken only with curved callipers (+) 101.81 Ver
24Frontal breadth: Ectorbitale - Ectorbitale (+) 63.03 Ver
25Least breadth between the orbits: Entorbitale - Entorbitale (+) 31.13 Ver
23Zygomatic breadth: Zygion - Zygion (+) 96.56 Ver
22Greatest neurocranium breadth = greatest breadth of braincase: Euryon - Euryon (-) 56.84 Ver
29Facial breadth between the infraorbital foramina (least distance) (+) 36.77 Ver
28Least breadth aboral of the supraorbital processes = breadth of the postorbital constriction (+) 39.66 Ver
32Height of the occipital triangle: Akrokranium - Basion (-) 40.72 Ver
30Greatest inner length of the orbit: Ectorbitale - Ectorbitale (+) 34.04 Ver
31Greatest inner height of the orbit (+) 34.89 Ver
3Basal length: Basion - Prosthion (+) 115.68 Ver
4Basicranial axis: Basion - Synsphenion (=Interspenoid sature) (+) 41.75 Ver
21Hight of the foramen magnum: Basion - Opisthion (+) 17.13 Ver
18Greatest mastoid breadth = greatest breadth of the occipital triangle: Otion - Otion (+) 59.76 Ver
2Condylobasal length: aboral border of the occipital condyles - Prosthion (+) 127.33 Ver
5Basifacial axis: Synsphenion - Prosthion (+) 76.13 Ver
11Median palatal length: Staphylon - Prosthion (+) 53.41 Ver
11aPalatal length: the median point od intersection of the line joining the deppest indentations of the Choanae - Prosthion (-) 51.82 Ver
20Greatest breadth of the foramen magnum (+) 17.81 Ver
19Greatest breadth of the occipital condyles (+) 30.25 Ver
16Greatest diameter of the auditory bulla: from the most aborolateral point to the most oromedial point (-) 24.84 Ver
17Least diamenter of the auditory bulla: from the middle of the opening of the external acoustic meatus up to the most medial protrusion of the bulla on the opposite side of the bulla (-) 16.62 Ver
26Greatest palatal breadth: measured across the outer borders of the alveoli (-) 52.48 Ver
27Breadth at the canine alveoli (+) 34.58 Ver
14Length of P4. As in the dog taken from the buccal part of the cingulum (-) 15.17 Ver
12Length of the cheektooh row (measured along the alveoli on the buccal side) (-) 23.99 Ver
13Length of the premolar row (measured along the alveoli on the bucal side) (-) 24.00 Ver