Atlas digital del esqueleto de Lynx pardinus

Axis de Lynx pardinus

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Vista Dorsal


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Vista frontal


Vista basal


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Vista trasera

Tablas de medidas de Axis↑subir
ID Código Descripción Media Ver
* Puedes comprobar la medida clicando en "Ver".
LCDe(Greatest) length in the region of the corpus (=body) including the dens. If the caudal epiphysal plate has not yet fused. one measures without the caudal articular surface adding a note to that effect. (+) 35.53 Ver
LAPa(Greatest) length of the arch including the Processus articulares caudales (+) 36.01 Ver
BFcr(Greatest) breadth of the Facies articulares cranialis (=cranial articular surface) (+) 24.18 Ver
BFacd(Greatest) breadth across the Processus articulares caudales (+) 22.04 Ver
BPtr(Greatest) breadth across the Processus transversi (+) 25.34 Ver
SBV(Smallest) breadth o the vertebra (+) 12.08 Ver
BFcd(Greatest) breadth of the Facies terminalis caudalis (= caudal articular surface) 12.91 Ver
H(Greatest) height. Measured in a measuring box. One lays the two basal prominent points of the body of the vertebra on the fixed block of the instrument and closes the othe block over the highest point of the spinosus process (+) 29.91 Ver