Atlas digital del esqueleto de Lynx pardinus

Vertebra Caudal 13 de Lynx pardinus

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Tablas de medidas de Vertebra Caudal 13↑subir
ID Código Descripción Media Ver
* Puedes comprobar la medida clicando en "Ver".
PLPhysiological length of the body. Measured between the centers of the Facies terminalis cranialis and the Facies terminalis caudalis (+) 8.24 Ver
BPtr(Greatest) breadthe across the Processus transversi (+) 2.98 Ver
BFcr(Greatest) breadth of the Facies terminalis cranialis (=cranial articular surface) (-) 2.98 Ver
HFcr(Greatest) height of the Facies terminalis cranialis (-) 2.94 Ver
BFcd(Greatest) breadth of the Facies terminalis caudalis (=caudal articular surface) (-) 2.49 Ver
HFcd(Greatest) height of the Facies terminalis caudalis (-) 2.29 Ver
H(Greatest) height. 2.96 Ver